Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Juice isn't the Foolproof soda Alternative

Sports drinks, energy drinks and juices seem to provide at least some nutritional benefits and are often the alternative to sugary sodas; however these drinks are loaded with sugar, too, which eventually causes tooth decay.
Children are especially susceptible to tooth decay caused by sugary drinks, depending on their sippy cup usage. The spout of the cup places drinks in close contact with tooth enamel, and children often "nurse" a cup in such a way that their teeth are constantly bathed with the sugary drink. Even 100% pure juice is advisable only in limited quantities because of its naturally high sugar content.
Some parents often give their children fruit juice, milk or fruit snacks before bed. The sugars coat the teeth overnight and can cause a condition called baby bottle tooth decay, which is early childhood tooth rot. Prevent this overnight decay by always brushing your teeth and your kids teeth before bed.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Thinking about cosmetic dentistry

There is something about this time of year that makes people get motivated. Spring cleaning is a few weeks away but the motivators seem to start now. The holidays are behind up and the summer is only a few months away. And, a lot of people are either waiting on their tax refund or know what the damage is there, so the pressure is off. In general, as we swing into March, it‘s a time when people start thinking about doing what’s next.

If you have considered cosmetic dentistry in the past, you might be thinking about it now. There are many great reasons to improve your smile. Sure, you can look at it from the viewpoint that a perfect smile can help with your career or give you an added edge socially. Or you can look at cosmetic dentistry as a way of giving yourself something long lasting, like the confidence to express your true self.

A lot of people have healthy teeth but they just do not like how they look. These people tend to shy away from smiling or being too expressive. And, it’s a shame when we don’t get to see their full personality because of this inhibition.

Cosmetic dentistry changes all that. The most common comment we hear following cosmetic dentistry is that the patient feels a new sense of confidence. They feel like they are free to smile because they know their teeth and smile are beautiful. And, when that happens, they let their whole personality out.

If you have ever felt this way, why not contact me today to discuss what cosmetic dentistry can do for you?