Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Doggie Tidbits

My wife Carolyn and I have had small dogs in our lives for years. Like all our dogs they need tender loving care, and yet it took me a while to realize that they needed oral care as well. I did have them groomed, washed, and there teeth brushed. What I didn't know is that each dog was different and they needed different types of cleanings. Yes, dogs get periodontal disease. Much like humans they require a different frequency in cleanings of there teeth. Now my Veterinarian wanted to heavily sedate my dogs every time they needed there teeth cleaned, which I was reluctant to schedule due to cost because they needed them more often. I did have a dog lose a few teeth because of his periodontal disease. Since then I make it a priority to take the advise and recommendation of my Vet, and my dogs are very healthy. Now 95% of adults and teenagers require more then two cleanings a year. Unfortunately people are insurance driven, and in this economy there's not much extra cash laying around. What you need to remember is your health is very important and who wants to lose a tooth. Hopefully your smart enough not to let your insurance company dictate your health or your family's. Periodontal disease can sneak up on you over the years and do a great deal of damage. They don't call it the "Silent Killer" for nothing. Here's my advice to you. Place all your spare change in a coffee can every day, then at the end of the year, you just might have enough for a one more extra cleaning. Doesn't hurt to try. Every penny counts now a days. Well if you've missed a cleaning, canceled or haven't seen us in a while, give us a call at 866-76-SMILE. Lets get you healthy and keep it that way.