Monday, June 30, 2008

Help us Fight Breast Cancer

CANCER, pretty scary worried, right?. I'm pretty sure it's entered your circle of life in one way or another. It could be a friend, a mother, a sister, a co-worker or neighbor . But when it does it could be very devastating. We've had many of our very dear patients diagnosed with breast cancer, and it really hits home, because our patients our like family to us. So Dr. Rose had a great idea! For the month of August we will discount our "ZOOM" (teeth whitening system $600 value) to $45o and donate half of the proceeds to "The National Breast Cancer Foundation". "ZOOM" is a great gift for birthdays, anniversary's, weddings, or graduations. Who doesn't want a whiter brighter smile? It's fun, it's easy and it's great to make someone smile. And it's for a good cause. So give us a call at 866-76-SMILE for further info and schedule your "ZOOM" today!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Let's Go To The Movies!

We love new patients, and recently have had a great increase these past months. We also love referrals from our wonderful existing patients. Something fun we are doing now is when you do refer someone we send you tickets to the movies. How awesome is that. So send us your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and everyone as great as you. See you at the show! An thanks for the referrals. 866-76-SMILE

Cosmetic Dentistry Will Make You Smile

Are you afraid to smile? Would you rather take a picture then be in it? Are you afraid to yawn for fear of revealing all of those silver fillings? Many of my patients think that their teeth are to dark, too crooked, overcrowded, chipped, or just misshapen. They want that "Hollywood Smile", and they often bring a magazine to my office, point to the cover and say, "I want a smile just like that!" There are a wide range of cosmetic dental enhancements available that can help you achieve the look you want. Though these enhancements are only "skin deep", they can bring you pleasure, and perhaps give your self-confidence a little boost.

Bleaching and Whitening
Extrinsic stains, or stains on outer surfaces of the teeth, can usually be removed during a thorough professional dental cleaning. However, intrinsic stains, which are stains within the tooth itself, must be removed through bleaching. Not everyone is a candidate for bleaching. One reason is that the bleaching product does not work on any fillings, crowns, or any porcelain restorations in your mouth, only on the natural surface of your teeth. Also be careful with over the counter whitening products since these may cause sensitive teeth and irritate the gums. So ask a dental professional for there recommendation on whats best for you.

Tooth-Colored Fillings
There are alternatives to silver fillings now, which is the composite filling material. Many patients with silver fillings have the option to remove old silver fills and exchange for the white material. Its amazing how much the tooth changes color when there removed. I get more gratification and many more thanks from patients when I use tooth-colored fillings. Plastic fillings are only made for the smaller problems or cavities. Teeth that have a larger problem would need something with a stronger structure. Composite is a very hard plastic material, but its only its best on smaller things.

Porcelain Veneers
I recommend porcelain veneers to the majority of my patients. Its the best alternative in my opinion. If the patient wants to change tooth color, shape, size, if there crooked, have gaps or chips this is going to change there smile 360 degrees. Veneers are very strong pressed ceramic restorations, that are made to look like natural teeth. Its amazing how naturally beautiful they are, and there very strong. You can almost think of false nails to give you an example. Its a thin porcelain shell that fits over your natural teeth. Of course some of your natural tooth structure does have to be removed to accomplish this procedure. There bonded on with very strong permanent cements. With veneers you can always achieve a more consistent result. My patients often don't remember what there old smile looked like. If your trying to achieve that "Hollywood Smile" I suggest you spend the money and do it the right way the first time.

If you have a hankering for a smile overhaul, rest easy. There are many options available, so give us a call 866-76-SMILE and Dr. Rose will help point you in the right direction.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We've Heard Every Excuse in the Book

Trying to cancel your dental appointment again? Think you have a great excuse? Well you know we've heard them all. We know making time in your busy life's to see the dentist is difficult for some, but for you others, we don't think you see the importance of a healthy mouth. There are many health problems related to bad oral hygiene, including heart disease. I guess when your not in pain, its hard to see the importance. What's crazy about your mouth is that allot of the times you won't have pain, and perio disease is called the silent killer. We've heard some wacky excuses in our years, so here's a list of just a few. We thought you would find this humorous.

1. I forgot, I am at work right now.
2. I have a meeting.
3. I just got a flat tire, and I am on the freeway
4. My dog has fleas, he's going to the vet.
5. My cat is stuck in a tree and the fire department is on the way.
6. I locked my keys in the car.
7. I have to pick up my kids from school, but its summertime, oh ya she's in summer school.
8. My dog ran away, I am searching for him.
9. My boss said I couldn't have the day off.
10. I am doing laundry, and I completely spaced out.
11. I am out of town.
12. I don't have a ride.
13. I missed my bus.
14. I missed my plane, I am stuck in New York.
15. I was out of town this weekend and got snowed in.
16. I am stuck in Mexico.
17. I have a cold.
18. I have a headache.
19. My car was stolen, I'm in the middle of filing a police report.
20. I scheduled two appointments on the same day and time, so I am canceling my dentist appointment.
21. Last night was my birthday and I am hungover.
22. I have to pick us someone from the airport.
23. I thought my appointment was next week?
24. I am to busy today.
25. I made my hair appointment at the same time, so I can't make it today.

So what do you think? Have you ever used one of these excuses? You know, we all have for one reason or another. We are all busy, and life gets in the way sometimes. But just remember your health is important, and without your health you have now life. It's just a thought.

We Have A Winner!

Congratulations to our Winner! Joy Yoseski was picked on May 29th for the $50 Gas Card. Yahoo! Its funny, when we did decide to give gas cards as the prize, gas was a little cheaper (Ha Ha $3.28 so cheap), and now almost $5 ugh! but hopefully she can get at least a half a tank. Well, I guess every little bit helps, gas prices are outrageous! Well don't worry if you didn't win in May you have a chance in June. The contest continues, same rules apply. Just keep your June appointments and enter at the front desk. We also want to thank all our wonderful patients who did keep there appointments in May. Good Job! We know you all have busy lives, but your oral health is important. So if you still need to schedule an appointment with us, give us a ring. Thanks Again and Cheers to Joy! (562) 496-3230