If you who have a Flexible Spending Account for your health insurance and are running out of time to spend your annual healthcare budget, here is something to consider. Why not replace those old black fillings now?
You are being presented with an opportunity to take care of an unhealthy condition many people simply ignore. Black or silver fillings are called amalagam fillings and contain metals that are toxic to the body. Over time, mercury from those fillings can leech into your system. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to replace amalgam fillings with white resin fillings.
White fillings do not contain harmful chemicals and offer long-term, strong fillings and support for a tooth. In addition, they white resin fillings blend in with your teeth so you do not have the look of dark fillings. Both aesthetically and from a health and wellness point off view, white fillings are superior.
So, if you have a balance you must use in your FSA, please contact us today about getting those amalgam fillings replaced by the end of the year.