When was the last time you did a little something for yourself? Since it’s summer, the kids are out of school and things are more generally relaxed, now might be a good time to consider doing a little something extra for yourself.
As a dentist, we have many conversations with patients each year about making cosmetic improvements to their smiles. Some are interested in whitening and some are interested in making major changes. It is in these conversations that patients often reveal their dreams for a more beautiful smile with a mouth full of perfect and white teeth.
It’s more common than you think. That is one of the reasons why I got into cosmetic dentistry. It is such an amazing and immediate way to help people positively change their lives. When I do a cosmetic reconstruction, or what most people consider cosmetic dentistry, I’ve seen the new porcelain veneers transform someone immediately. The first step in a reconstruction involves placing temporary crowns that resemble what the finished porcelain veneers will look like. This is the point when a patient first sees what their new smile will look like and that is always a highly emotional moment. It is this sort of life-changing transformation that makes cosmetic dentistry a popular wish.
Is cosmetic dentistry anything you ever considered for yourself? Of if you have had the experience of cosmetic dentistry already, do you know anyone who wishes they had that new beautiful smile? If so, please talk to me about it. I look forward to answering your questions.