Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sugar and Summer Foods

Watermelon, apple pies, lemonade, soft drinks and rich foods. They are all part of a normal summer for most. So, how has your summer diet been? Most of us have been enjoying the summer with family and friend, vacations and special times with the young ones, which can mean a lot of sweet and rich foods. There is nothing wrong with indulging in fun foods now and then. And, when you do so, you should take a little extra care of your teeth and gums.

Extra soft drinks and sweet treats means more sugar. And, if you do not brush following eating or drinking high sugar and high carbohydrate foods, you are inviting trouble. Brushing cleans away any remaining sugars left deposited on your teeth. And flossing daily keeps these remnants from building up between your teeth. Bacteria in your mouth will consume these sugars, creating an acid that can weaken and erode your teeth.

So, what easy rules should you follow? Brush following every meal and snack. Floss daily as well. And, watch out for some foods and treats that can fly under the radar. Mints such as tic-tacs and fruits are often refreshing for your palate and they taste good but both are high in sugars and can undermine your dental health plan.

So, have fun the rest of the summer and keep brushing.


Brian said...

Is it safe to eat while having invisalign trays on?
Invisalign London

Dr. Gregory E. Le said...

Its not a good idea. You could damage them. Always remove your trays when you eat. Brush or rinse your mouth after you eat and then place trays back in. Helps keep the plaque levels down in your mouth. Hope this helps :)